Thursday, October 2, 2008

French Driver's License, Take Two!

Thanks to all for asking about yesterday at the French “DMV”. It went OK, I think… but one never knows for sure. As the sign says above: Prefecture of Paris - Be Nice!!!!
I had fun anyway!! Fun? How could that be? Well…

Over the weekend I thought a lot about who I could ask to go with me. A friend from church came to mind, Arlette. She’s French, married to an American, so I thought she would be good, she would understand my predicament! And, she did! I also learned that she worked for IBM in France for many years, helping the foreigners adjusting to life in France, so she was the perfect one to ask. I’m sure I thought of her because you were praying!! Thank you!

We arrived at the Prefecture around 11:30am. No policemen were at the gate this time. Hmmm…. Interesting!

We entered the room to find 25 other people there ahead of us. Groan! We were number 08, and they were only on number 76. I sensed a long, boring wait. But, as we waited, we were close enough to the “window”, to hear a lot of interesting situations. The funniest for Arlette were the two people who asked for a listing of their “violations”. Her take on this was that if they had that many violations that they had to ask for a list, they shouldn’t be on the road! I agree! Sure put my puny little problem into perspective!

As we continued to wait, watching this very agitated French administrator gal shuffling her papers, very impatient with everything and everyone in her sphere, I said a quick prayer that by our turn, she would take her lunch break, or something. Please Lord! Sure enough, about 1pm she got up and another woman replaced her! Thank You God!! So, our turn came and we were able to calmly explain that I hadn’t understood on Friday, and would she be willing to briefly explain the process. She said THEY will write ME a letter (not the other way around!) once they “review my case”. Then I’ll have to come back with the photos and the return envelope. Oh lucky me! Another trip to the Prefecture!! I still don’t understand why she wouldn’t take those items now, to save me a trip back to the Prefecture!

I guess they just want us all to experience the “joy” of having to come to the Prefecture every day, like they do! NOT!

So, now I wait for them to send me a letter…

Thanks for praying! You’ll be the first to know when this hurdle in my French life is completed!!

PS: If for any reason this fails, I discovered that my ancient, German driver’s license might still be valid!! However, the picture is 100 years old, just makes me laugh to look at it! I’ll try to post it here sometime soon so you can get a good laugh too!

1 comment:

Kristin Braun said...

Haha, I'm glad you're getting things figured out Cy! I've been praying for you :)